The Barbie Townhouse Theory

When I was young, my friend had a Barbie Townhouse.  We would spend hours making sure that Barbie had the right clothes, the best furniture, great accessories.  

If we didn't have the most appropriate outfits for an occasion, we would sew them. If we didn't have the best furniture, we would build some.  We would spend an infinite amount of hours having Barbie play with her friends. We would use our very best imagination to create a life for Barbie that, frankly, anyone would want.  Those days for Barbie were filled with excitement, work, joy, laughter, friendship and love.

We never once had Barbie fight with her friends, come home from work angry, ask Ken if she looked fat or made any indication that she was not worthy.  We'd spend hours making sure that Barbie was, at the end of the day, happy. 

So my question to you is this:  If we spent so much time and love and energy creating a life for Barbie where we WANTED her to be happy, wouldn't God want the same for us?

Like the love and joy we used to create Barbie's Townhouse, so it goes with us. We never expected Barbie to question it, doubt it, or to question or doubt herself.   We wanted her to experience joy, love, friendship and laughter.  Period.