my kite tails

If you could choose one thing for yourself, what would it be?  And once you have chosen it, how would you get it?  Most people would say, "to be happy" or "to be successful", or some other variation of what could be described as soaring.  Similar to a kite, we all have the innate or structural ability to soar.  It's in our nature.  Yet, sometimes, somewhere along the way to soaring, we lose our loft, or our ability to fly high.  That "downward draft" can manifest itself in so many ways: doubt, stress, anxiety, loss, grief, ailments, and fear.  In business, that can look like a lack of vision, action or motivation. That is where the kite tails come in.  At first glance, kite tails are decorative, creative, playful.  They help give the kite its "wow factor".  Yet, in reality they are much more, as they are the functional guidance system of the kite, and allow the kite to fly despite various conditions or "winds of change".

In order for each of us to soar, whether in our own personal growth journey, in our families, or at work, we need our own kite tails and the strategies to keep us aloft.   Just as the kite launches with it's own decorative guidance, so too do we need our own creative strategies in order to fly.

I have spent a significant amount of my professional life working, supporting and advocating for people with disabilities.  There is a lesson that each person has given me; with my own daughter perhaps being my greatest teacher; and the lesson is this:  that regardless of where I am in my life and the challenges I face, there is something to be grateful for and that my spirit is worthy of soaring.

After 25 years of creating person centered plans for individuals and strategic plans for organizations, I have come to learn that each of us has a number of natural strengths and abilities that at times are overshadowed by challenges, stressors and fears.  Those abilities are innate, but must also be acknowledged, nurtured and supported.  This is where creative strategies and intuitive coaching comes in; for in allowing ourselves to dream and coupling that imagination with intuitive, specific action steps, we can move forward and ignite our DoAbilities.

The Kite Tail Strategies that I use are applied to both my personal and professional life.  These strategies address all aspects of myself: my body, mind and spirit and include a daily practice of Gratitude, meditation, visualization and Reiki, creating goals and objectives to implement action plans, and being mindful of balance.  They remind me although life can be challenging, I have tools, strategies and support to ignite my DoAbilities and soar.  

my philosophy

Kathryn Lavin, MSW

Kathryn Lavin, MSW

I believe that every spirit is worthy of soaring.  I believe that at times we hold onto limiting beliefs about ourselves and our lives and that these hold us back from achieving our potential.  I believe that most of us think we have more disabilities than DoAbilities and that we don't tap into our greatest strengths and hopes and dreams. I believe that organizations that don't focus on mission and the strengths of the people they support, suffer, either strategically, fiscally, or both.  I believe that a practice of Gratitude can heal our lives and strengthen our relationships, both personally and professionally.  I believe that there is "Higher Power" of Infinite Love that moves through all living things and that this power of Love can heal and help us soar.  I believe in angels, the ultimate Kite Tail.  And I believe at the end of the day, we can all fly high.  

my credentials

Masters in Social Work, Creative Strategist, Expert in Professional Development, Expert in Person Centered Planning, Certified Reiki Practitioner, Certified Lifeline Practitioner, teacher, artist, wife, mother.